Storyboard Part 1

Just finished creating the story board and I have a couple things I want to mention before showing the images. First, I am not good at drawing AT ALL. I tried and I think it's good enough to understand what's occurring in the shot, but do not judge my stick figures please. Second, as I drew out the storyboard I felt that I needed a moment of surprise, almost like a plot twist to really capture the viewer's attention, but I'm debating if it's too much for an opening. Also, it may defeat the purpose of the film, but it could also make it way better with the introduction of. anew character. Lastly, I think I created a rough draft because there's shots that I didn't know how to draw out but they occur in between the major plots I drew out, and that's why I made this part one. I'm going to create a second part that will fill in the blanks of the story. But for now, here is the general idea of the film opening.

Oh! Also, there are two shots in which a memory plays, but I left them as "memory plays" for the element of surprise! I looked back at my calendar and realized that my filming time begins tomorrow, which means I'm behind because there are still some pre-filming tasks I need to complete. I will finish those within the next couple of days so I don't lose much time to film!

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