Here's the Plan

Benjamin Franklin once said "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" and I believe it's important to take this advice into account when working on such a major project. I've learned, especially with creating films, that proper planning is vital in order to successfully create what you envisioned.

So the planning process began...

Just when I thought I was done researching, here I go again looking for the best way to prepare before filming. A website focused on video and marketing insights named "Tubular Insights" shared an effective strategy that would help in the planning process, which was creating checklists. Now, I usually use checklists to write my homework assignments in an agenda, or even for tasks I want to complete on a day-to-day basis, so I thought why not try it to prep.

I'll admit I didn't think this strategy would be very effective, but to my surprise it was, and it also made me realize how much more I had to do!!

So, here are the three main checklists I've created:

These lists are important because for me, having goals set makes them easier to accomplish since I know what to focus on. However, these lists are just drafts because they will constantly be expanding as more tasks come up. So, having them on an online document allows me to ensure they're safe, but I can always add to them.  

For now I will begin working on the first checklist and updates will be provided on the next post! Here we go!

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