Interview Questions

Over the course of this project I kept coming up with more and more questions that I wanted answers to, coming from someone who honestly didn't know much about the sports industry or even baseball. However, I had to narrow down the questions I had to a list of few strong ones that would bring light to the topics I cover throughout the documentary. More specifically, topics such as: getting started playing baseball, the dedication and commitment you make to playing the sport, how it affects your social life and your education as well, and lastly the positive aspects it brings for your future. So I came up with a list of personal questions for Josh, my primary interviewee and for his parents, other interviewees I hope to use in the doc extract. 

Questions for Josh include:

- Tell me about when you started baseball and what it was like. (Age, Team)

- How did you feel about baseball as a kid and do you still feel the same? 

- Tell me about your committing to play college baseball? How did it feel?

- How did you get injured? (Details on the moment.)

- What were your immediate thoughts when you got injured?

- How do you think your parents felt?

- Do you feel regret after the injury?

- If you didn't get hurt, would you see yourself still playing baseball to this day?

- What would you say is the best thing you got from baseball? 

Questions for Josh's parents:

- Why did you choose to put Josh in baseball?

- What was it like attending games for most of his childhood and teenage life?

- How did you see he felt towards the sport?

- How did you find out about the injury? What were your first thoughts?

- What was the greatest thing you believe he took from the sport? 

These are all questions that I plan to ask for the interview, however not all will make the cut. Instead I will choose from the best responses to structure the documentary extract.

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